Tuesday, November 28, 2006

smell it like it is

Mac says he doesn't like me when I'm sober, but I'm sure he's just kidding. Either that, or I must be really funny when I'm drunk.

Oh and thank you, 3M. After helping out my Art Director spray-mount some mock-ups for half an hour, I feel like a highly-evolved glue sniffer.

Sniff, sniff.

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
I guess I can add "Event Promoter" next to "Copywriter" on my resume. Heh.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Fucking Sphynx

I dropped off my cousin at her condo near Sunway Pyramid yesterday, and as I passed by the mall, I was wondering to myself how the architects managed to convince the investors to part with their money.

"So, it's going to be Egyptian. And we're going to have a car park in between the mall and the theme park, and just to add suspense, we're not going to give clear directions on just how the fuck you're supposed to get there. And it's going to be poorly maintained and people have to walk for miles before they even get to any of the attractions, so they end up buying lots of ice cream and drinks because they get real thirsty."

"But what's the Unique Selling Point, Mr Clever Architect?"

"The selling point? Why, we're gonna put a big fucking sphynx right up front, and people are gonna come because they've never seen a fucking sphynx that big, and golly, that's just fantastic, isn't it!"


Thursday, November 02, 2006

Old School

Back in the day, one of my favourite advertisements was this ad for Angie’s KENT choice essentials radio show on the now defunct RFM 104.9. It pictured the back of a guy’s head, complete with customary DJ cans and the bold statement:

Thank you pop. Thank you country. Thank you reggae. Thank you trash metal. For now I know why dance music was created.

It was cheeky and elitist, and looking back, it was a bit silly too, because dance music has grown immeasurably by incorporating elements from of all of the above - except for country music.

(But don’t knock off a tech house remix of Garth Brooks just yet. You never know.)

Anyway, it captured the feeling of what it was like to be a raver during that time. What it was like to be part of something new, raw and underground. We were euphoric, invincible and most of all, now we had our own Goddamned radio show, thank you very much.

We felt appreciated.