Tuesday, August 02, 2005


By the time I hit 26 this year, it will mean that I've been writing for about ten years now.

Ten fucking years.

Hallelujah, Jimmy, call the press!

Wait a fuckin' minute, I am the press!

Damn straight!


You were waiting for a long-winded essay on the joys and sorrows of being a member of the Malaysian press, now, weren't you?

Maybe you were expecting a vivid trip down memory lane with all the fascinating anecdotes on all of the weird encounters, amazing people and powerful emotions that I've experienced for the past ten years as a writer.

Well, you're not going to get it.

Wanna know why?

Coz that shit's all mine, motherfuckers, it's all mine and I ain't gonna share. =)


Anonymous said...

such fiery protectiveness...

K@MO said...

Well, that's all you have left at the end of the day, Ayu. Good and bad memories alike, but ultimately yours, and yours alone. And I'm taking mine to the grave.