Thursday, July 06, 2006

Words of Wisdom

I sort of discovered a Malay "saying" once. I was fooling around with a kitten, probably Tiddles when he was younger, and I think it was my Grannie who came up to me, shook her head and said "Jangan manjakan sangat. Nanti mabuk tangan."

Now, I'm convinced that this applies to all interpretations of the term 'pussy'.

So I think it's safe to say that you should avoid spoiling your woman. You never know when your relationship will unknowingly trangress into taken-for-granted territory.

Nanti mabuk tangan.


Anonymous said... SHOULD spoil your woman. Just don't end up being the pussy yourself ;P That's when shit hits the fan ma'boy.

Anonymous said...

bwahaha...mabuk tekak tak apa. jangan mabuk tangan, yeah?

go pian go!

we will always love you, macho carebear!!!