Saturday, October 28, 2006

Thanks for the fish!

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I just saw The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on Astro a few days ago. Everyone told me it was rubbish a year ago, so that's why I didn't watch it when it first came out.

You cunts. Thanks for the great advice.

It's not rubbish at all; it's brilliant.

It's fucking Shakespeare.

I can't remember when I had so much fun watching a comdey like that. Well, probably, the
Life of Brian.

So, that's it, isn't it? I think most Malaysians just can't grasp the concept of irony. Or absudrity. Or humourous self-depreciation.

If there's no guy running around with a rocket-launcher blowing up - in between having sex with Scarlett Johansson and racing thugs in Supras - then it's boring.


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