The most curious fad in Singapore, as I noticed when I was there last month, isn't on the streets or in shopping malls; it's on cigarette boxes.
Buy a pack of Marlboros and the first thing you see is a huge picture of a pair of rotten, gore-splattered lungs. Or someone's rancid, mingin' blood-soaked gums. Or a bunch of nameless extremities strung out across a platter like frog's legs .
The worst one is a picture of a premature baby in an incubator. That one gets me every time. It's downright heinous to show people pictures like that. Obscene. Vulgar. Disgusting.
No, that wouldn't be my approach if I was going to convince people to stop smoking. I wouldn't try to scare the crap out of you that way.
I'd just slap a picture of David Hasselhoff on all of the cigarette boxes with the caption:
That should do it. End of problem.
My my...look who's bitchier and more cynical than me. But really...would you stop smoking even if David Hasselhoff's naked picture is on the pack? I highly doubt it...don't kid yourself...hahahah!
ayu: lol. that cracked me out. but apparently sporean government managed to reduce smoking among the population rather significantly by using that approach. if i were the Msian pm, I'd do the same thing. Haha...and the David Hasselhoff idea too of course.
i see fatherly instinct in you, pian. ha ha...but i think that is a good approach. i heard sporean smoke significantly less now kan? if i were msian PM, i'd do what spore is doing. Oh...and the david hasselhoff idea as well... ;)
ayu: that was my comment btw. hope it appears this time. blogspot sucks!!!
ayu: migawd...i seemed so enthusiastic with 2 comments here containing the same meanings. bodoh lah blogspot. org tulis semalam baru hari ni nak klua. pian, do u have msn?
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