Monday, October 11, 2004

Nice Intro!

OK, so here's the deal:

Writers aren't supposed to have blogs.

Why? Because it's an oxymoron. A redundancy. A no-brainer.

Because it's our job to write. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. We are expressive by nature, outspoken by character and completely fucking annoying whenever we want to be.

So, why expand time and effort writing stuff when you don't need to, when no one's going to pay you for it and when instead you should be writing stuff that's due tomorrow morning and you shouldn't be pissing about on the Internet about how bad your day was, or how cute that girl looked in the mini-skirt at the checkout counter at BSC and how you're never gonna ever get that kind of pussy because you don't believe in love at first sight anymore...


So, why am I doing this???


Yes, ladies and gents, there are times when one does feel the need to abandon reason.

So, there is no point to this blog. No hidden agenda. No underlying compulsion to be poetic or endearing or witty or strong yet sentimental or hopelessly romantic or whatever. No intrinsic need to impress, inform or intimidate anyone. Honest.

This blog is just going to be a constant rant about anything that I feel is worth ranting about (given my, er, busy schedule) and it's not going to be anything more than that.


Because I can express my creativity through my work. Because I can bullshit all I want whenever I want and still get published somehow. Because it's more exciting doing that when you end up getting paid for it.

Because I don't need to prove anything, like, my English is better than yours.

(I'm sure it's not, but this is my blog, so I win).

Yeah, that's basically it. If you think I'm being cocky, well, maybe I am. But at least I'm being honest, yeah?

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