Wednesday, September 05, 2007

We have moved.

The next iteration of Kamotherapy is here. Why move? Because it's always nice to try something new.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Holy Shit, Batman, is that the Twin Towers?

I can't believe I'm posting this. But here it is. I couldn't find a larger image of the album cover, but it's right there on Kubiks & Lomax's latest release, the 'SpeakLife LP'. Haha.

Monday, July 30, 2007

The Return of Metalheadz

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Yes, the last time Metalheadz was here was in 2001 at the legendary KL club Movement.

More details soon!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Decisions, decisions

Now that I've set up a 'work' blog, I was wondering; should I turn this one into a drum n bass blog?

I mean, drum n bass is a big part of my life, anyway. And I can ramble on like a idiot on both blogs, so who cares, anyway?

In the meantime, I'm uploading more tracks to my new Virb account soon and I'm not sure whether or not I should upload all of my 'Forty-seven Ronin' EP tracks or maybe just a few.

Speaking of which, Pseudo has expressed interest in putting together a mix of all of my tracks! That would be fucking awesome. But where am I going to find the time?

Maybe I should ask Mr Mohan.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

WTF! Cyberworm!

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There's nothing like haunching over speakers with three other mates, slack-jawed and eyes wide open, a leaning tower of ash sprouting from the embers of your cigarette, late at night, discovering new music.

Last night, we were exploring the neurotic drumfunk space opera of the Russian drum n bass outfit Cyberworm.

In case you ever decide to lock yourself up in a nuclear bomb shelter, snort 20 lines of ketamin and having a threesome with Eva Green and Neve Campbell and need some music in the background.


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Ma'am, I'd like a closer look, if that's okay with you?

An automotive product training session is like sex education class.

"Hello class! This is a vagina!"

You get to stare at it, ask as many questions as you want about it and talk to other people in the room about how cool it looks.

And you even feel happy because now you know everything that you've ever wanted to know about it.

But for fuck's sake, all you want to do is ride it.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Bongo@The Loft, Zouk KL, May 26 with The Works and DJ D'Arcy

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What's a blog without the occasional bit of shameless self-promotion?
If y'all in the neighbourhood, don't forget to drop by, aite?

Friday, May 11, 2007

Ties that Bind

The Windsor was the first knot that I ever learnt. I think it was for an embassy dinner in London or something, and I had about 15 minutes to figure out which end went where, and only about three practice runs to get it right.

Small tip in your left hand, big tip in your right. Make a cross and slip the big tip over and under. Keep looping it around, then make a hole and again, over and under. And when you're done, make sure the tip touches the top of your belt, and never dips below it. And for God's sake, tighten that knot (those civvies always look so lazy with their slackened ties and unbuttoned cuffs).

Intense pressure, if you're an eight year-old.

I think I must have pulled it off, though, because I don't remember being scolded, afterwards.

But I remember being good at that kind of thing; learning from Dad. Whether it was tying knots, polishing boots or ironing shirts - you start at the collar and work your way around the top, back and sides - the simple act of learning the Army way of doing things was fun because it meant that you would fit in with the rest of the blokes.

And being a gentleman, said Dad, wasn't just about wearing your clothes right or knowing which fork to use at which course; it's how you treat others (especially the ladies) that sets you apart from the next man.

Nowadays, you'd be suprised how many guys can't tie knots properly.

But then again, not everyone has an officer (and a gentleman) for a father.

That said, I guess I owe him one.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Who Dem?

I just 'acquired' an old Frank Sinatra cover of Unforgettable. It's really good (you can hear the vinyl pops and shit) and I can see why Ole' Blue Eyes was such a hit with the ladies.

But there's one little problem here; it's not just Frank Sinatra.

There's a very good female vocalist on that track, too and I don't know who the fuck it is because it doesn't mention a duet on the MP3 tag and there's no fucking way of finding out by doing a Google search for "Frank Sinatra + Duets + Female Vocalist".

So, help me.

Who's that girl?

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Go Away

Whoever is sending spam to my Gmail, please stop. Right now. I don't want to see Britney Spears's naked pussy and my penis is fine, thanks. And no, I don't want health insurance. I'm going to die young, okay?

Monday, February 05, 2007


It took more time than it should have but even now it doesn't feel like it was enough. But since I always get this feeling whenever I'm on to something good, it must be okay.

And it has turned out okay.

In fact, this is 100% Kamo.

This is the sound I've been looking for, ever since Irwan passed me a copy of Fruity Loops in, fucking hell, 2002.

Moody yet not quite dark, brooding yet exultant, ashamed yet unafraid, heavy yet uncomplicated. With a nod to the old school. Coz that's where I'm from.

It's not D-Bridge, not SKC, not Marcus Intalex (bless his cotton socks), not Logistics, not Black Sun Empire, not Calibre, not Klute and most definitely it's not Technical Itch. It's none of the people that I look up to. But was inspired by all of them, all the same.

It's just me.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Fine Lines

Clients always say they want "cutting edge" but motherfuckers can you handle it?

Nah, didn't think so.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Wicked FLyer

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I thought the name "Bongolia" sounds a bit dodgy but the flyer is fucking on.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

On a roll

I was seraching for tunes by Desimal when I stumbled onto Khal's DNB blog Dubplate Digest.

Next thing I know, he's linked up my MySpace page! Wicked. Cheers, Khal.

Maybe Marcus Intalex will check it. Haha.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Dead as doornails

Thanks to a cheeky Iraqi executioner, the Broadband-enabled world managed to download and/or stream the demise of one of our worst 20th Century dictators.

But what does that unauthorised video really conclude?

Apart from the fact that it implies most Iraqis are completely shit with camera phones, it also tells us that, from now on, seeing really is believing.

I'm not sorry for Saddam.

I'm just thinking; shit, did I actually see that?

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Best Compliment Ever

I was messing around with a bass line on my new dnb track "Tha Fundamentalz" a few days ago, and my Dad stumbles into the room and says "Nice track. I think your music has improved".

This coming from a Sixties hippie who doesn't like any of that 'MTV devil music' or '80s synthesizer crap'.

Thank you, Dad. That really made my day.

(Yes, it's a deep, deep bass that I modeled on the one on Seba & Paradox's "Last Goodbye" with Sci-Fi pads and a simple two-step beat. Will post it on MySpace soon enough!)