Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Unconventional Wisdom #387

When you're flying blind into an interview, there are usually two outcomes: Very Funny, or Very Stupid.

I've done a lot of interviews where I've been completely fucking ignorant of my subject; in most of those situations, I'd either done next to nothing in terms of research, or was just too plain lazy to do so.

So, what do you do when you don't know what to ask?

You improvise.

You read the body language.

You look for common ground.

And you do it all with a smile. And crack a few dumb jokes, in between.

In short, you wing it. Like your life depends on it. You've blown your two port engines. So you coast along, easy does it, at your own pace. On your own time. And you try to glide that motherfucker in, as gently as you can.


That's how you do it.

That's how you survive.

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